Prioritizing Your Health to Stay Productive as a Freelancer


It’s easy to blur the lines between your personal and professional life when you work remotely. And when you run your own freelancing business, it’s even easier for the two halves of your life to overlap. This struggle with maintaining work-life balance can be very destructive, especially to your health and, as a result, your productivity. If you’re a freelancer, it’s important that you take the time to prioritize your health both for your own personal benefit as well as that of your self-employment.

Why Health is Important for Freelancers

Health is a universal concern for all professionals. So is productivity. When it comes to freelancers, though, they have a particularly intense list of reasons why they must pay attention to their health. For example, the blurred lines between work and life can make it difficult to ever feel “off the clock.” This inability to disconnect is only exacerbated by the fact that freelancers also are responsible for their entire business, not just their work. 

Administrative duties can often keep you working far longer than the time it takes to actually get work done for your clients. The unique stresses and strains that come with running your own business can lead to struggles with anxiety and even depression at times. In addition, the busy lifestyle can make it difficult to tend to basic health needs like eating and sleeping well.

So How Can You Prioritize Your Health as a Freelancer?

When it comes to freelance health, the goal doesn’t have to be something dramatic, like going to the doctor more often or getting a massage as part of a half-thought-out self-care initiative. Instead, start with the root of the problem by prioritizing these basic health-related concerns:

  • Get plenty of sleep // Sleep is essential for professional success. Not only that, but actually getting onto a healthy sleep schedule that syncs up with your circadian rhythm can naturally boost your productivity by helping you focus and feel more energized.

  • Eat well // Along with sleep, you also want to take the time to invest in what you eat. Start with a basic diet recommendation and then begin to research what you particularly need to thrive. The goal doesn’t need to be losing weight or other finite objectives. Instead, it should perpetually aim to fuel your body and keep your mind well-nourished as you work.

  • Exercise often // Consistent exercise is essential to good productivity. A fitness routine or a morning jog can help you stay physically healthy. It can also increase your ability to stay calm and be less stressed.

  • Take Breaks and Unplug // Often, true productivity comes through the old adage that “less is more.” This can often be achieved through taking consistent breaks. It’s recommended that you don’t focus on a task for more than two hours.

 In addition, consider implementing a virtual commute at the beginning and end of each day. This will help you get in and out of work mode. Even further, plan in vacation times to completely unplug from work for a few days or even a week or two at a time.

Stay Organized

Organization can be key to staying both healthy and productive. You can do this by:

  • Properly managing your time to ensure that you’re working effectively.

  • Maintaining an updated universal calendar to avoid double-booking or missing important deadlines.

  • Keeping your spaces decluttered to reduce stress.

Proper organization can shore up your ability to stay productive by removing as many mundane pieces of minutiae from your already crowded mind as possible.

Consider Your Work Environment

If you’re a freelancer, you likely spend a lot of time working at home. When you do so, you can spend countless hours in a home office, at the kitchen table, or even in your bedroom. If that’s the case, you want to invest in making sure that your work environment is healthy. A few things to keep in mind when creating a healthy and productive home office include:

  • Investing in a good desk and chair.

  • Including greenery for creativity and fresh air.

  • Ensuring that you have plenty of warm, quality lighting.

  • Testing for radon, asbestos, mold, and lead.

  • Using an air purifier to keep your space clean.

 If you’re going to spend dozens of hours each month in your office, make sure that it’s not adversely impacting your health.

Slow Down and Think

It can also be helpful to stop fretting about your health or your productivity and, instead, slow down to consider the little things that can help you, such as: 

  • Getting up and stretching regularly.

  • Staying hydrated throughout the day.

  • Wearing compression socks if you’re at your desk a lot.

 There are often many small-yet-powerful ways that you can look out for your mind, your body, and your productivity.

Set Clear Goals and Expectations

Finally, make sure to set clear goals for both your work and your health. This gives you something to focus on and work toward. It can also help you disconnect when you’ve accomplished what you set out to do. Strategizing and managing expectations are key to surviving and thriving when working from home.

Much like everything else in your life, if you’re a freelancer, the success or failure of your health and productivity rest in your hands. Don’t shirk one in favor of the other or both will suffer. Instead, take up the challenge. Review the above tips and then consider how you can maintain peak productivity while also prioritizing your health, as well.

Noah Rue is a journalist and content writer, fascinated with the intersection between global health, personal wellness, and modern technology. When he isn’t searching out his next great writing opportunity, Noah likes to shut off his devices and head to the mountains to disconnect.