How Space Management Improves Productivity in a Coworking Space

Having adequate space for freelances is an important aspect for a coworking space.

A survey performed in 2022 revealed that only 4% of employers stated that they were making employees return to the office full-time. The pandemic has caused a significant increase in remote and hybrid working - which increases the need to create productive in-office coworking spaces.

How can businesses improve space management for coworking spaces, and what are the benefits of space management for productivity? Keep reading for your ultimate guide to space management, coworking, and increasing productivity.

What Is Space Management?

Space management refers to the processes by which a business manages its physical space. Space management involves tracking, auditing, planning, and managing a business's physical space. Although the process sounds simple, it is essential and can be pretty tricky without the right tools.

Space management ultimately ensures that a business receives the best ROI on its office space investment, ensuring that all of its spaces are useful. 

In light of the pandemic and the rise of hybrid working, businesses can use space management to optimize their spaces and reduce office space spending with coworking spaces - sharing office space with another company. Why is this necessary? 

If companies are investing in office space that is not used all of the time, they will not gain ROI, as you may only use the office space 50% of the time. When switching to a hybrid work model, businesses must analyze their spaces and identify any need for changes. Throughout the rest of the article, we will discuss the best space management methods and benefits of space management for productivity. Don’t miss out on this vital information.

How Can Businesses Improve Space Management?

Let’s discuss the best tools and methods to help businesses improve space management.

Occupancy Management Software

Occupancy management software can help you to improve space management in your existing office spaces, allowing you to view data and trends in occupancy levels. Occupancy management software integrates with access control to provide more insight into how many people are using your spaces at any time. If occupancy management shows that your areas are not being used frequently, or there are severe ebbs and flows in traffic in your building, then this might indicate a need to market your space for coworking.

Space Management Software

Space management software is the ultimate tool to help businesses establish better space management processes. It allows companies to manage prospects, members, and operations for flexible and co-working office spaces.

You can view real-time market data showing availability, location, and pricing using the software, which will help you access office spaces for coworking. Or, if you need to market your existing space, you can do so using the software.

Space management software also helps you to manage your finances while using a coworking office space, allowing for AP management and ledger functions. It can also help you to manage your contracts with automated workflows for e-signatures and approvals.

Marketing and procuring coworking spaces is easy with space management software, and you can quickly improve ROI on these spaces.

Why Is Space Management Instrumental To Improving Productivity In Coworking Spaces?

Let’s look at the main benefits effective space management can have for productivity in the workplace.

Provides Opportunity To Reserve Space

When office spaces and meeting rooms become available, this will be visible on your space management software. You can reserve space for your meetings or collaborative working, and your teams will not show up to the office only to find no space available. Space management software is instrumental in improving productivity in coworking spaces. It would significantly impact productivity if your teams showed up to the office to find no available space.

Identifying Trends

Space management software helps business leaders identify trends in how their employees use the features. This allows business leaders to analyze whether spaces are being over utilized or underutilized, allowing them to restructure the office to provide more overutilized resources.

Integrate With IoT

You can maximize productivity by automating building management triggers for your coworking spaces. You can make the spaces available to teams 24/7 by automating building management. When users enter the building, this will trigger the lighting, AC, or heating to switch automatically - you can save energy when the spaces aren’t used while making the areas available for a broader time.


In coworking spaces, it can be difficult for businesses to create a sense of community and keep in touch with all coworking space members. With space management software, you get the chance to make communities for announcements, friendly conversation, and increased organization between coworking businesses.


To improve space management in your coworking space, you should consider space management software. The tool allows you to enhance productivity in the workplace by creating more opportunities to access the shared working space and by building a sense of community between coworking businesses. Whether you’re a business looking to use your office as coworking space or you’re looking to rent coworking space, you can streamline the process with space management software.