5 Tips To Double Your Productivity


Pursuing the career of a freelancer has always been associated with a lot of freedom and a kind of ‘free-spirit' attitude. In reality, being a freelance worker requires a highly developed set of skills that must include self-organization, productivity, and good time management. One has to estimate their own availability, schedule, and resources. In order to keep up with the work, one also has to possess a unique mechanism for extreme productivity. Let's explore ways to boost your levels of productivity while pursuing a freelance career. 

Use mobile apps

We shop online, we work online, we read the news online and much more. The same thing can be said about budgeting your time and productivity improvement. There are numerous apps that can help you with this task. Programs like WorkRave and Big Stretch Reminder will help you organize your breaks and allow time for rest during a work process.

In order to be efficient, you absolutely must take little and big pauses to have a snack, exercise a bit and take your mind off the business in order to start again with a fresh look and high energy levels. Here are a few more apps to help:

Wunderlist and Todoist will help you with planning and keeping track of the forthcoming projects.

Evernote and Grammarly will considerably ease your life by checking the grammar and organizing your writings.

You can even have a virtual assistant in the form of such tools as Trello and TeamViewer. The latter will serve you as a digital meeting space that can be used to organize distant work-related meetings, discussions, and brainstorms.

Do not hesitate and use the power of the apps to the fullest!


Organize your workspace

At first, it might seem rather tempting to work straight from your bed or favorite couch. However, the relaxed atmosphere often stands in the way of work productivity.

So one of the most important freelancer tips is to find a dedicated workspace. It could be a separate room, or just a well-organized desk, or even a coworking space. Your brain will become more adjusted to the specific work environment and this, in turn, will force more focused and productive work. You can find a space or create one yourself depending on your taste and needs, but make sure it is clean and not too cluttered. It might play a bad trick on your productivity!

Write lists

This is essential when we are speaking about being efficient. Deadlines and keeping track of the variety of projects or clients is vital, so being able to do everything on time is a must. You can download product management apps to keep you organized, or you can just write lists in the notepad “old school” style. Do it however you like, but make sure to make it into a daily habit. It is guaranteed to increase productivity, lower risks of projects overlapping each other, and make your life much easier in general.  

Reach out

One of the drawbacks of being a freelancer is the possibility of isolation due to the lack of co-workers or working community. Going to coworking spaces, attending events, or joining networks for freelancers to gather or work can help you get outside your head. it might be beneficial in terms of career opportunities too. It'll help you get out of your head and refresh you for a productive and happy work life.

Get Active 

Sometimes continually working on a project can can wear you down. Refresh by picking an activity that suits you, your character, and your preferences. It might be a team sport or a workout class, a morning walk in the park, meditative yoga, or group cycling. Pick something you like and use it as your chance to take a break and reassess.

Ryan Bronson is a freelance graphic designer with 8 years of experience. He is a freelance enthusiast and has his own blog dedicated to lifestyle and professional rewards. Sometimes Ryan turns for help to customwriting.com, but mostly he writes from his own experiences. He likes bringing to light the benefits and drawbacks of the freelancing as an occupation, as well as sharing some funny stories from his own practice.