How to Improve Work-Life Balance as a Remote Worker

Remote employment has become increasingly prevalent, with many favoring a work-from-home setup. You likely have the flexibility to set your own schedule and tailor your environment to suit your needs. However, this newfound freedom can sometimes blur the line between work and personal life, leading to burnout and dissatisfaction. 

Taking proactive steps to juggle your professional responsibilities and personal well-being is essential to ensure a harmonious balance. As a remote worker, here are ways to improve your work-life balance. 

Why You Should Develop a Healthy Work-Life Balance

Remote work has skyrocketed over the past couple of years, with approximately 27% of Americans working from home at least part time at the end of 2022. However, other studies suggest this number is higher. While many love remote work because it offers plenty of benefits like flexibility and less time commuting, it comes with a few challenges. 

Many people struggle to draw the line between work and personal life, so much so that 69% of remote employees report burnout due to digital communication platforms. A healthy work-life balance can prevent burnout, stress-related health issues and decreased job satisfaction. 

Prioritizing time for personal interests and relationships outside work creates fulfillment and satisfaction, contributing to overall happiness. Here are seven ways you can develop a better work-life balance.

1. Set up a Dedicated Workspace

Choose a quiet area in your home that’s free from distractions, ideally away from busy areas, like the kitchen or garage. It’s best to choose a space you can remove yourself from at the end of the day, shutting the door and forgetting about it until the next morning. 

If you plan to work from home for the foreseeable future, invest in high-quality ergonomic furniture like an adjustable desk and comfortable chair to support good posture. Colors also impact mood and can help you achieve your tasks. Painting the walls of your home office blue can enhance focus and productivity, promoting a sense of calm and tranquility conducive to deep concentration. 

Keep your workspace organized and clutter-free, with essential folders and supplies within reach. Personalize your space with inspiring decor or plants to create an atmosphere that boosts concentration and creativity. Having an area designated solely for your job allows you to mentally transition into work mode and minimize interruptions, increasing your productivity. 

2. Get Ready as if You’re Going to the Office

Even though you're working remotely, getting dressed as if going to the office can impact your mindset and enhance your productivity. Start your day by following your typical routine, dressing professionally and grooming yourself. Sweatpants and slippers might be comfy, but some studies suggest how you dress can boost your self-esteem and work performance. 

Dressing the part signals your brain that it’s time to shift into work mode, boosting your focus and motivation. Dressing up can also help you feel more confident and prepared to tackle the tasks ahead. While the temptation to stay in pajamas may be strong, dressing professionally can instill a sense of discipline and structure in your day, setting a positive tone for success. 

3. Establish Clear Boundaries

Set specific working hours — or stick to the ones created for you — and communicate them to your colleagues and clients. Establishing boundaries between work and personal time is crucial for preventing your job from encroaching on your personal life. Once your hours are over, disconnect from any work-related communication channels and refrain from checking emails or completing tasks unless absolutely necessary. 

4. Create a Pre-Work Routine

Establishing a pre-work routine helps you transition into your professional mindset and sets the tone for a productive day. Start by waking up at the same time each morning to ensure you have enough time to prepare. Incorporate activities that mentally prepare you for work, such as exercise, meditation, reading or enjoying a nutritious breakfast. 

Avoid diving straight into work-related tasks first thing in the morning — instead, give yourself time to wake up fully and ease into the day. Creating a solid routine can increase your efficiency and prevent laziness. 

5. Develop a Realistic Schedule 

Creating a realistic schedule is crucial for managing your time effectively and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Start by identifying your most productive hours and scheduling your most demanding tasks during these times. 

Be realistic about how much work you can accomplish in a day and allocate sufficient breaks to prevent burnout. It’s important to factor in time for unexpected interruptions or delays to avoid feeling overwhelmed by your workload. 

Structure your day around SMART goals, which are actionable, manageable, specific, prioritized and empirical. Instead of putting “work on project” on your to-do list, write something more specific, like “complete steps one and two.” This way, you can track your progress and feel accomplished when you complete those specific tasks. 

6. Take a Proper Lunch Break

Over half of millennial employees skip lunch at least once a week, while 70% of Generation Z workers skip it once a week. However, taking a proper break can be a game-changer for recharging your energy levels and sustaining your focus throughout the day. 

Step away from your workspace during lunchtime and engage in activities that promote relaxation, such as enjoying a healthy meal, going for a walk or practicing a hobby. Just don’t stay seated at your desk or work through your break, as this can lead to burnout and decreased productivity. You can return to your job feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the rest of your day by permitting yourself to take a proper lunch break. 

7. Disconnect

It’s essential to carve out time to disconnect from work-related tasks and technology at the end of the day. Create a post-work routine that signals to your brain that the workday has ended, such as shutting down your computer, tidying up your workspace and unwinding. Avoid checking emails or messages after hours, as this can disrupt your ability to relax and recharge. Disconnecting allows you to unwind, spend time with loved ones and engage in personal pursuits, improving your well-being. 

Set Yourself up for Success

Achieving a healthy work-life balance as a remote worker requires intentionality, discipline and self-awareness. Implementing these strategies and focusing on your well-being lets you create a fulfilling and sustainable lifestyle that supports your professional success and personal happiness.

Cora Gold is a freelance writer and editor of women’s lifestyle magazine, Revivalist. Her work has been featured on StartupNation, Mediabistro and Wrkfrce. Connect with Cora on LinkedIn and X.