Don’t Lose Money to Burnout by Setting Boundaries at Work

Burning yourself out can seriously effect your professional career, so take steps to address it.

The world of working remote has blurred the line between our personal and professional life, making it challenging to maintain proper stress levels and avoid burnout. A Pew Research Center survey found that 54% of workers would prefer to work remote post-pandemic, showcasing how important it is to establish those boundaries early on as this trend potentially becomes the new normal. You could be working fully remote, in-office, or hybrid, just remember that setting professional boundaries ensures your livelihood won’t impede on your happiness at home.

Burnout is commonly caused by wavering boundaries between personal and professional lives. Unfortunately, employees suffering from burnout are almost three times as likely to leave their current employer, stunting their career growth and potentially getting them in unforeseen financial trouble.

What is Burnout?

Most often characterized by emotional and physical exhaustion, burnout is a certain type of job stress that can cause one to feel a loss of personal identity and diminished accomplishment. Heavy workloads, unrealistic expectations, and a lack of team support are all factors that contribute to job stress and, in turn, burnout.

Signs of Burnout

Since people are oftentimes unfamiliar with this condition, they don’t believe their job is to blame. Below is a list of major signs to look out for to help you know when to seek help and take action:

  • Emotional exhaustion

  • Physical fatigue

  • Difficulty concentrating

  • Decreased work performance

  • Job dissatisfaction or disillusionment

Consequences of Burnout

Burnout can not only impact your health, but it can also wreak havoc on your financial life as well. Here are a few ways professional burnout can negatively affect your finances:

  • Reduced work performance lessens the likelihood of receiving bonuses or promotions

  • Increased susceptibility to illness and chronic disease

  • Increased spending for conveniences

  • Additional sick days may result in forgone income

How to Set Healthy Boundaries at Work

Want to create a healthy work-life balance? Follow these tips to create healthy work boundaries for yourself.

1. Identify Your Priorities

Earning an honest living and making money are essential to provide yourself with things like food and shelter. However, there are other priorities to keep in mind that also deserve your time and attention. Make a list of everything that is important to you in addition to your work. From there, see how you can adapt your work week to incorporate more of the things you love.

This also extends to your professional goals. Regardless of whether it’s earning a promotion or tackling a huge project, see how you can prioritize what’s important to you and your schedule.

2. Learn to Say No

Once you’ve set your priorities, practice your ability to say no at work. For example, if you prefer not to take meetings or conference calls during your valued break times, politely decline and reschedule.

It’s also important to remember that it’s OK to say no to additional work. We all want to be team players and prove we’re assets, but don’t value that over your sanity. Consider whether you have the bandwidth to complete the project without feeling overwhelmed.

3. Take Time Off

The best way to practice utilizing the work boundaries you put in place is by giving yourself time away from your professional responsibilities. Use this time to completely check out from the constant hustle and bustle. Though it can be sometimes difficult to schedule, it’s important to keep in mind that just like your income, you’ve earned it.

4. Look for Examples of Professional Boundaries

Putting professional boundaries in place is much easier said than done. Don’t be afraid to reach out to a trusted manger, coworker, or supervisor for advice and ask them about how they’ve been able to manage their time. Everyone has their own boundaries, so take inspiration from those around you and align yours with the ones that work best for you.

Tristian Brown is a content creator who develops helpful and compelling stories. His passion for digital marketing and creative writing has led him to cover unique topics ranging from business to lifestyle. He calls San Diego, CA home and enjoys travelling and exercising in his spare time.