5 Virtual Meeting Etiquette Tips

remote working video call virtual call

Whether you're a remote worker or a freelancer working with clients, you likely have to participate in your fair share of meetings. Did you know 14 percent of remote workers dedicate their time to more than 10 meetings per week? Meanwhile, only 3 percent of on-site workers attend more than 10 meetings per week.

While email and asynchronous communication tools are frequently used for remote communication, virtual meetings provide the opportunity to meet "face-to-face" and start brainstorms and discussions, communicate goals, kick off projects, and build stronger relationships. 

So, how can you prepare and participate in meetings most effectively if you're working remotely? Here are some tips for getting the most out of your next virtual meeting.

1. Prepare for the meeting.

Make sure you read the meeting agenda, your surroundings are clear, you have good lighting, and you're dressed appropriately. When you read through the meeting agenda, outline your ideas or thoughts about each topic so you have some talking points that you can share during the meeting.

Find a quiet area where you can take your video conference call and make sure that your background is distraction-free and your surroundings are clear. Prepare your desk with anything you need throughout the meeting: notebook, pen, water, coffee or tea, etc.

Whether you're meeting with your team or a new client, you want to present yourself in the best light, both literally and figuratively. Make sure the room you're taking the meeting from is well-lit so other meeting participants can see you clearly.

2. Check your technology.

Before joining a virtual meeting, do a final check of technology. Is your video conferencing software set up? Are your sound and video working? According to the State of Video Conferencing report, 83% of respondents said it takes more than three minutes to set up and start meetings. 

Give yourself enough buffer time before the meeting to check that your tools and technology are working properly. This will help you avoid technical difficulties and ensure you're prepared to join or host your virtual meeting.

3. Join the meeting on time.

Punctuality is just as important during virtual meetings as it is during in-person meetings. Respecting people's time is key to developing deeper relationships with your teammates or clients. 

If you're hosting the meeting, start the video conference about five minutes beforehand to double-check that all your technology is working properly. By preparing your space and your technology beforehand, you should be all set to participate in a productive meeting.

virtual call video call remote work

4. Avoid distractions.

It's easy to get distracted during meetings, especially if you're joining from your laptop or the computer in your home office. With your browser windows open, it's tempting to check your email or respond to a Slack message from your coworker.

Not only can it be distracting for other meeting participants (especially if you're typing and haven't muted your audio), but it also takes away from the effectiveness of the meeting. While you're multitasking, you often miss key points or topics of discussion.

One of the biggest challenges for remote workers is isolation – they have to make a habit of reaching out and communicating with others. Virtual meetings are tools to help you strengthen your connections, which is why providing your full attention and participation is so important.

5. Don't be afraid to participate.

When you join a meeting virtually, it's common practice to mute yourself when you're not speaking. The main reason for this is to avoid background noise that may distract on from the meeting. 

Once you're on mute, it can be intimidating to unmute yourself and join in the conversation or discussion that's happening in the meeting. It's often challenging to find the best time to "raise your hand" or voice your opinion.

Video conferencing tools, like the Meeting Owl Pro, make it easier to voice your thoughts and opinions. Its 360° camera, microphone, and speakers ensure remote workers can see and hear everything that's going on in the meeting room. It automatically zooms in on the person who's speaking, which allows remote workers to better follow and join in the conversation. This allows them to participate as though they're in the meeting room with their colleagues.

Whether you're joining a virtual meeting from your home office or a coworking space, these virtual meeting etiquette tips will ensure you'll get the most out of your next virtual meeting. Looking for more? Check out these essential etiquette tips for coworking spaces next. 

Guest writer Meredith Hart is a Content Marketer at Owl Labs, creator of the Meeting Owl Pro, a 360° smart video conferencing camera. She loves all things travel, photography, and classical music-related. You can often find her exploring Boston with a camera (or a coffee) in hand.