Key Reasons to Hire Mobile App Developers Remotely for Your Project

Spreading your developer team across different cities has its advantages. | Photo by Matt Wildbore on Unsplash

Spreading your developer team across different cities has its advantages. | Photo by Matt Wildbore on Unsplash

Since mobile app development, in many ways, is turning the wheel for many businesses to success, developers are experiencing never-before demand. The apps have become the new shops, marketplaces, and business places irrespective of the niches. 

This huge demand also made mobile apps to be one of the most competitive spaces with millions of apps competing with each other to gain more visibility and discoverability. Building a successful mobile app, ensuring consistent business gain is no longer easy.

 This is why while hiring app developers, businesses are more conscious about making the right choice of professionals. Thanks to the digitally connected globe and the presence and development of IT companies around the world, now businesses can hire remote developer teams for their app projects. In fact, remote hiring has now become more popular than ever before. Remote work is the future of work after all.


Low Cost of Development 

Many businesses in the western world head for the developers in India, China, and South-East Asia primarily for the cost advantage. While in the U.S. and European countries, the developers charge a hefty hourly charge as per the international market, but at a lesser rate, the developers in countries of emerging economies can work without compromising the qualitative output and excellence.

Low cost of development is likely to be a big impetus for small startups and many businesses with flimsy IT budgets. Startups belonging to the small and medium business tier often need to build MVP apps with basic features that allow them to launch the app quickly in the market. A small budget development quote can offer them a lot of room to build an app and develop it over time with value additions through updates.


Availability of Developer Talents 

In the U.S. and some countries where, in spite of the thriving development scene and the vast majority of popular mobile apps across the niches, there is still a severe lack of developer talents for certain programming language skills and frameworks. 

On the other hand, when the developer community focuses too much on the latest technologies and frameworks instead of what has been powering a majority of apps across the niches, the small and medium enterprises are better suited to find developers from remote locations with the skills they are looking for.

India, several south-east Asian countries and countries from the emerging economic superpower groups, are steadily becoming the most coveted destinations for finding developer talents. For instance, in spite of lacking economic growth and prosperity, Nigeria is slowly becoming one of the most promising countries enriched with developer talents. As long as some countries thrive with developer talents and niche programming languages or services, businesses from other nations will continue to opt for remote hiring.


Hiring Leading Development Companies

Some businesses are ambitious enough about hiring the leading development companies in the world, especially if they have the most extensive portfolio of successful apps representing the world's leading brands. 

When you don't mind the cost factor but prioritize working with the world's leading developers and app makers, you can hire leading development brands with several success stories up their sleeve, no matter their location.

 Can a growing eCommerce company or a retailer chain really afford to hire a highly reputed development company from the U.S. who built mobile apps for the world's most coveted business brands? Well, in spite of the hefty budget, the promise of phenomenal success and competitive gain is really lucrative to make businesses opt for such development companies.


Looking for a remote developer team helps to keep your product at an international standard. | Photo by Nicole Wolf on Unsplash

Looking for a remote developer team helps to keep your product at an international standard. | Photo by Nicole Wolf on Unsplash

Maintaining International Standard 

When you hire development companies from global locations and maintain an international team of skilled developers and experts, the incentive is enormous. 

First of all, with a remote developer team working across different cities, it is important to ensure maintaining development standards and protocols followed by most successful apps across the platforms. Such remote collaboration of developers across the continents also provides incorporating best development and design practices from experienced developers with a proven track record across a variety of projects.

 There are many leading mobile apps across the niches (and from around the world) that enjoy the edge of innovative development approaches and design inputs because cross-country expertise and collaboration among different cultures often lead to such a marvelous outcome. 

If a mobile app has a target audience spread across the globe, team collaboration across developers and designers from various countries can bring in the required cultural multiplicity and different approaches in the project too. No wonder, remote collaboration among developers is so common an attribute among successful projects. 

Easier and Well-Equipped Remote Collaboration 

 When showcasing the benefits for remote hiring of developers, we must also take cognizance of the most common constraints and objections raised by the businesses. Well, remote hiring of developers invariably results in the communication gap because of different time zones. Communication problems due to the language barrier can also be a problem in certain cases. And understanding of priorities for the local business is another area where international outsourcing can prove to be challenging.

All these challenges and constraints are actually turned into real benefits and opportunities thanks to an array of useful tools. Today, remote collaboration tools and smart development methodologies like DevOps have completely made it possible to deal with these challenges and drawbacks. From real-time translation and transcription tools to remote collaboration and communication tools like Slack or project management tools like Asana, setting and process-streamlining are helping enterprises to meet these common challenges.

Get Started

 In a connected globe, you simply cannot do entirely without remote outsourcing. As long as collaboration and teamwork across locations are proving elementary to modern app development projects, hiring developers for projects elsewhere will continue.

Guest writer Nathan McKinley is a Business Development Manager at Cerdonis Technologies LLC - mobile app development company in Chicago, the USA providing app development services on an hourly & full-time basis for startups to enterprise companies. After spending years in the marketing field as a Business Developer for various tech domains, he has developed core expertise as a writer to write on mobile app development, mobile techs & development processes and changes we have to acquire and how we can utilize it in our app development process.