How to Manage a Team for the First Time
Make the switch to a supervising position can take a bit of adjusting to. But by following a few foundational guidelines, you can be a leader that is respected.
If you just got promoted to a supervising position, it means your superiors have noticed your advancement, understanding of the process, interpersonal relations, and commitment. Since your job gave you a strict set of rules and directions regarding your work goals and your role in the company, it might come as a revelation to see the bigger picture. The state of this larger image depends on your ability to keep all the elements in order, which is possible only with a competent managerial figure – that’s you.
Shifting from worker to manager is strange and people often find it challenging to stop behaving like a worker. As your superior gives you a task that needs to be executed by your team it’s important to delegate as much of the work as possible and take on what no one else but you can perform. Of course don't bury your people into work, be rational. It's always a good thing to get promoted within your own team so you know the other team members and their capabilities. It’s much easier to assign work to people when you know their potential.
Make sure your directions are easy to understand, provide useful guidelines and any documents that could facilitate the work process. Be sure to check in with the progress every now and then, but don’t micro manage
Assert yourself
Be assertive, don’t just raise your tone in order to make a point. Research shows that the stress caused by a shouting boss, bad relations within the team, or deadline-approach-pressure have a negative effect on productivity. Let your people speak first and then after you hear their arguments, let them know your position on the matter if needed – share the bigger picture with them in order to explain yourself and your reasons.
Communicate Clearly
In communication, always be respectful and coherent. An important aspect of communication between your team members and you is regular feedback. However, the feedback should include remarks relative only to work, never the person. Share constructive ideas that would help the worker improve and further develop.
When it comes to praise show your acknowledgment, but don't forget to give kudos to everyone else who does a good job. Showing that you value commitment and hard work will motivate your employees to give their best. Additionally, keep your mind open for any suggestions your subordinates might have. As they are the ones that carry out the tasks, their experience is important for improvement of the work process.
When to make meetings?
Experts claim that meetings are not the best way to handle work issues. Getting people together in one room, keeping them away from their work, it all takes a lot of time, the work is hanging, and nothing guarantees a positive outcome in the end. It’s better to use group chats for large-scale announcements and team talks. When it comes to project matters, you can set up milestones and allow workers to prepare reports for each milestone that you can analyze. It’s much more effective.
Allow perks where it's possible to keep the people motivated and happy. Provide training for those that are willing to further increase their skills and advance in their professional career. Maybe offer remote work days for some team members.
These simple tips are there to help you answer questions like how to keep everyone motivated, working together, but most importantly: how to trust you. If you and the members of your team trust each other and have faith as a group, nothing can challenge you. Provide support and show care for each soldier under your command, and you’ll go a long way.
Cathy Baylis is a freelance content writer for and best Australian essays writing agencies specializing in personal growth, leadership, and education. She loves sharing her interests with readers, and she has something to say, for sure.